Gyula Szabó

BSc in Biology (2017, ELTE)
MSc in Biology (2019, ELTE)
  PhD student

Research interests:

  • Oxidative stress in wild passerines.
  • Health state and stress in birds.
  • Problems of quantifying condition.


Hegyi, G., Laczi, M., Szabó, G., Sarkadi, F., Török, J. (2023) Plumage color degradation indicates reproductive effort: an experiment. Scientific Reports 13, 18770. (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-45348-0)

Laczi, M., Herczeg, G., Szabó, G., Gyarmathy, H., Sarkadi, F., Török, J., Hegyi, G. (2023). The great tit abdominal stripe contains a sexually dichromatic colour patch hidden from the human eye. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1263974. (DOI: 103389/fevo.2023.1263974)

Szabó, Gy., Boross, N., Garamszegi, L.Z., Hegyi, G., Jablonszky, M., Krenhardt, K., Laczi, M., Markó, G., Szász, E., Török, J. (2020). Correlation between physiology and behavioural traits in a wild passerine. (Hungarian with English abstract). Állattani Közlemények 105:71-84.